
الأحد، 1 مارس 2015

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1. Preliminary information
 - Name: Prof. Omer Boshara Ahmed Boshara.
-  Nationality: Sudanese.
 - Place of Birth: Elsilaim: Dongola Northern State, Sudan.
- Date of Birth: 01/08/1964.
-  Occupation:  Professor- Educational Technology.
 - Languages: Arabic - English.
-  Marital Status: Married
2. Schooling:
 - Primary and intermediate education (basic education): Northern State: Dongola: Sudan: 1971-1980.
- Secondary Education: Northern State: Dongola: Sudan: 1980- 1983.
3. Academic Qualifications:
 - Bachelor of Arts and Education: English Language. Faculty of Education: Ain - Shams University, Cairo: Egypt: 1987.
-  Master of Education: Curriculum and Instruction:  University of Khartoum, Sudan: 1998.
-  Ph. D in Education: Educational Technology: University of Khartoum, Sudan: 2005.
4. Experience:
 - Collaborator teacher of English Language: Northern State Dongola: 1988- 1989.
 - English Language teacher: Secondary schools Northern State Dongola: 1989- 1999.
-  Collaborator in the teaching of English Language courses: (Phonetics 1 and 2): Faculty of Education, University of Dongola, Sudan: 1998-1999.
-  Collaborator in the supervision of teacher students: practical Education in English Language: Faculty of Education, University of Khartoum, Sudan: 1998.
-  English teacher at all academic levels: State of Qatar: Ministry of Education and Higher Education: 1999- 2002.
-  Lecturer: Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education, University of Dongola, Sudan: 2003- 2005.
-  Assistant Professor: Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education, University of Dongola: 2005- 2013.
- Associate Professor:  Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education, University of Dongola :2014 - 2018.
-Professor:  Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education, University of Dongola : 2019.
5. Academic and research contributions:
- Teaching the following educational courses: Faculty of Education, University of Dongola: 1998- 2015.
 1. Foundations of Education.
  2. Basics of Curricula.
 3. Curricula Designs.
  4. Basic Education curricula (1).
  5. Basic Education curricula (2).
   6. Introduction to Educational Technology.
    7. Modern Educational Technology.
    8. Computer in Education.
    9. Curricula and Methods of Teaching.
    10. General Teaching Methods.
    11. Educational Research Methodology.
    12. Psychology of Study skills.
    13. Phonetics (1).
     14. Phonetics (2).
-  Preparing Higher Diploma courses: Basics of Curricula – Educational technology: Faculty of Post Graduate Studies, University of Dongola.
- Participated in preparing and designing of the Higher Diploma and Master program Curricula in Education: of the Faculty of Post Graduate Studies, University of Dongola.
- Teaching English Language  courses: (1), (2), (3) and (4) for the students of  Economics: Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science, University of Dongola: 2007-2013.
- Teaching Research Methods for students of Computer Science and Information Technology:  Faculty of Technology and Human Development: University of Dongola since  2014.
-  Supervisor of Teaching practice for teacher students: Department of Education field operation, Faculty of Education, University of Dongola: 2003 – 2015.
-  Supervisor of numerous thesis and dissertations: Master and Ph. D. Degrees,
-  Internal and External examiner: Master and Ph. D. Degrees.
- Research papers: submitted  several papers for conferences in Sudan and abroad.
 - Research papers: published  more than 12 papers in Scientific Research journals in Sudan and abroad,.
-  Reviewed scientific papers: for  several Scientific   Journals .
 - Participated in lecturing: Performance Development training course: University of Dongola : 2007.
- Supervision of the micro-teaching program: Performance Development training course: University of Dongola : 2007.
 - Academic supervision and teaching the following courses: Sudan Open University:
1. English Language.
2. Teaching Methods.
 3. Communication Skills.
4. Learn how to learn.
5. Educational Technology.
6. Foundations of General Education.
6. Administrative Contributions:
-  Coordinator of Graduate Post Studies: Faculty of Education, University of Dongola: 2004- 2010.
-  Students' Supervisor: Faculty of Education, University of Dongola: 2004- 2006.
 - Deputy Dean: Faculty of Education, University of Dongola: 2006- 2009."
 - Acting Dean of Faculty: Faculty of Post Graduate Studies, University of Dongola: 2006.
 -Acting Head of performance Development Section: Evaluation, accreditation and performance Development Unit, University of Dongola: 2008-2009.
 - Acting Director: Evaluation, accreditation and performance Development Unit, University of Dongola: 2009. 2010.
 - Dean of Faculty: Faculty of Education, University of Dongola: 2009 - 2014.
 - Dean of Faculty: Faculty of Technology and Human Development, University of Dongola: 2014 - 2016
- Dean of Faculty: Faculty of Technology and Human Development, University of Dongola: 2019
7. committees and councils:
 - Chairman: Committee of preparing the plan of establishing a training School: Faculty of Education, University of Dongola.
 - Chairman: Committee for Academic Development, Faculty of Education, University of Dongola.
 - Chairman: Preparation Committee for the Conference of Education, Faculty of Education, University of Dongola: 2006.
 - Chairman: Committee of Auditing Financial Regulations: University of Dongola: 2012.
-  Chairman: Committee of preparing the Academic Regulations Faculty of Education: Romy El-Bakri: 2014.
 - Chairman: Committee of preparing regulations of University Requirement Unit: University of Dongola: 2014.
 - Chairman: Translation Committee of courses and fields of study: Faculty of Post Graduate Studies, University of Dongola.
- Chairman: Committee  of analyzing self-evaluation forms, for all courses taught during the academic year: 2014-2015. University of Dongola.
-  Member: Project of Strategic plan team work, University of Dongola, Sudan  2013-2023.
-  Member: Committee preparing Regulations of promotion , University of Dongola: 2013.
-  Member: of the committee preparing the regulations of the Faculty of Post Graduate Studies: 2013
-  Member: Committee of translating courses. : Faculty of Education, University of Dongola: 2014
-  Member: Committee for preparing and designing courses of the Higher Diploma and Master's degree in English Language: English Department: Faculty of Education, University of Dongola
- Member: Committee for preparation and designing courses of the intermediate diploma in English Language: Faculty of Community Development: University of Dongola.
- Member: Committee for preparation and designing courses of the intermediate diploma for kinder garden Supervisors: Faculty of Community Development: University of Dongola..
- Member of the Scientific Committee: Conference of the Northern State educational issues: October 27-28, 2014.
-  Member: Board of University Senate: University of Dongola 2006 – 2015.
-  Member: University Council of Deans, University of Dongola: 2009-2015.
- Member of the University Council: University of Dongola: 2009- 2015.
- Member: Committee of Admission: 2009-2015.
- Member: Teaching Staff Promotion Committee,  university of Dongola: 2009- 2015.
- Member of the editorial board: of the Faculty of Post
Graduate Studies, University of Dongola.
- Member: Council of  Faculty of Community  Development, University of Dongola.
 - Member: Council of  Faculty of Post Graduate Studies
- Member: Board of Student Affairs.
- Member: Supreme Cultural Committee, University of Dongola.
- Member of the psychological and social Advisory council: Student Deanship, university of Dongola.
- Member of the Advisory Committee: Strategic Planning, University of Dongola.
- Participant in many college and university committees: committees of Academic Development,  investigation , exam committee, previews, cultural and social activities, ….etc.
8. Training:
- Course in Computer Basics: University of the Algezeera 1998.
-  Course in statistical analysis (SPSS): University of Khartoum: 1998.
- Training courses in English language teaching: British Garnet Institution,  State of Qatar: 1999-2002.
-  Course in the evaluation and accreditation: University of Dongola, Sudan: 2008
-  A training course in the academic supervision: Open University of Sudan.
-  A training course: The use of Information and Communication Technology  (ICT) in teaching. UNESCO, Khartoum, Sudan: 2008.
-  Develop An awareness and capacity building of environmental pollutants on the Stockholm Convention: Supreme Council for the Environment and Natural Resources: 15-16 / 9/2013: Dongola, Sudan.
-  Leadership training course: National Strategic Planning, Supreme Academy for Strategic Studies and the University of Dongola: 22- 26/12/2013 m.
9. workshops and conferences:
- Curriculum Development Workshop:  Omdurman Islamic University: 2007.
- Workshop: Developing the  Curricula of Faculties of Education, Basic Level , Khartoum: 2008.
- Workshop in developing Faculties of Education curricula: Educational Forum: Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research: Khartoum, Sudan: February 2009.
- Workshop on Institutional Evaluation: Federation of Arab Universities and Sudan University of Science and Technology: 2009.
- Conference of Educational  Issues: Northern State, 2010.
- Workshop: Preparation courses of Faculties of Education, Khartoum, Sudan: 2011
- Workshop: The role of Faculties of Education in teacher preparation: Faculty of Education - University of Khartoum, Sudan: 2011.
- National Conference of Education: 2012 Khartoum, Sudan.
- Implementation of a training courses: Using of Educational Technology At University Level. University of Dongola.
- Implementation of a workshop: Development of curricula: Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Dongola.
- Teaching English Conference:  British cultural center. Khartoum, Sudan: 2010.
- National Conference for Human Resources Development: Khartoum, Sudan: July 2012.
 - Conference of Educational Issues: Northern State, Sudan: Faculty of Education, University of Dongola: October : 27 - 28, 2014.
-  Conference of legislation and laws issues: Northern State, Sudan: Faculty of Law and legislations, University of Dongola:  2-3 December 2014.
10. Community Service:
- Preparation and presentation of numerous radio and television programs: Dongola Radio and TV: 1990 – 1999.
- Preparation and submission of papers: Training  workshop of university guards and supervisors: Student National Fund.
- Participated in the training courses: For supervisors , Ministry of Education, Dongola, Sudan:2012.
- Participated in the training courses: Supervisors and school headmasters: locality of Alborgaig:  2012.
- Member: Population Council mandate 2009- 2015.
- Member: Advisory Council , Ministry of Education, Northern State, Dongola.
- Member:  Committee of senior leadership Promotion, Ministry of Education, Northern State, Dongola
- Member:  Society of Friends of diabetics, Northern State.
11. Address:
 - University of Dongola,  Faculty of Education.
- University of Dongola,  Faculty of Technology and Human Development.
- Work Tel: 00249822034
- Fax: 00249825943
- Mobile: 00249912634632 – 00249124230230 -  00249926663337
12. E-mail:
E. Mail: omerbushara@yahoo.com
13. Web sites
- busharentoud. Blogspt.com
- bushara.sudanforums.net
- tawtheegonline.com.
- slideshare.net , Dr. Omer Bushara Ahmed
- slideboom.com, Dr. Omer Bushara Ahmed
- authorstream.com, Dr. Omer Bushara Ahmed
-powershow.com, Dr. Omer Bushara Ahmed
-  A link to the google search:

Dr. Omer Bushara Ahmed